
Stars, in the mardi gras-distributed dialect of the Roman-founded city of Cologne (Rhine).



“Looking off.” Looking at something and then copying it. Rome for example spent centuries inadvertently serving as a model to the tribes outside its borders, while trying to deal with them by alternately fighting them, bribing them and training them as mercenaries. Eventually some surrounding tribes that were feindlich gesinnt learned enough, formed large enough groups and took over the old empire.

(OB cook en.)

Damnatio memoriae

Attempt to erase public memory of a politically out-of-favor person by rewriting official history.

Eile mit Weile

Goethe’s charming translation of “festina lente,” “make haste slowly.” The motto of the Roman emperor Augustus, who struck coins that used images of a crab and a butterfly to illustrate it. Wikipedia says other animal pairings used to indicate the motto over the years have included “a hare in a snail shell, a chameleon with a fish,” a tortoise with a sail on its back and a dolphin around an anchor.

(EYE leh   mit   VYE leh.)

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