“Gewisse Leichen ausm Keller des BMVg nachholen”

“She has to haul certain corpses out of the defense ministry’s cellar” at this stage, said a Leftists party spokesman about Germany’s new defense minister Ursula von der Leyen (C.D.U.). “Including these weapons projects.”

There was an uproar in the Bundestag after the Greens discovered the defense ministry made a 55-million euro payment to MTU in December 2013 without obtaining Bundestag approval or informing defense ministry management. The payment was compensation for a 2011 decision to reduce the German military’s Eurofighter order from 180 to 140 fighter jets. But budget rules require Bundestag approval for every single expenditure >25 million euros. Germany’s new defense minister said she was shocked and, said Spiegel.de, invited all responsible persons in her ministry to a meeting of her predecessor’s so-called Arms Board [Rüstungsboard] on 19 Feb 2014 to discuss the defense department’s biggest procurement projects.

Update on 20 Feb 2014: New defense minister Ursula von der Leyen (C.D.U.) fired Thomas de Maizière’s state secretary Stéphane Beemelmans and her Weapons department head Detlef Selhausen, “both considered key figures in the Euro Hawk drone controversy” said ARD tagesschau.de. She announced plans to fundamentally reform the German military’s entire planning and procurement because costs and schedules for billion-euro projects are not transparent, she said. ARD tagesschau.de said at this stage corruption cannot be ruled out in the defense ministry and in its complex interrelationships with German industry.

Over the next three months, the German military is going to “transilluminate” [durchleuchten] its ~1200 procurement projects, including gathering suggestions for how they can be better accompanied/managed/monitored and controlled/inspected/checked [begleitet und kontrolliert].

Update on 04 Apr 2014: The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported that some major defense procurement projects continue despite the new minister’s freeze.

“Although important decisions have been postponed or cast into question for some large arms orders, other major projects are ongoing, such as delivery of the new A400M transport plane (which has a long history of delays and cost overruns) and the new Puma armored tank (in which many initial deficiencies were found).” And, especially, the defense ministry is quietly preparing for a project that will cost billions, called the TLVS, taktisches Luftverteidigungssystem, a new generation of missile defense that will include new missiles, radar equipment, command centers and networking capabilities.

Ten years ago Germany began working with the U.S. and Italy on the new missile defense, called Meads, and has spent about a billion euros on prototypes since then. TLVS project requirements include “360-degree radar and a modular system in which any new components, such as launching platforms or other defense missiles, can be added. The defense batteries should be rapidly transportable by plane to distant theaters.” The defense department is looking at five options for this project, including using Lockheed’s Meads, Raytheon’s Patriots, or combinations of the two. German defense hawks will try to persuade other countries to join in development and deployment, lowering Germany’s costs for both. Vladimir Putin is helping with this by creating interest in missile defense in e.g. Poland and the Netherlands.

(G’VISS ah   LIE chh en   ow! sem   KELLAH   dess   BOON dess min iss TARE ee oom   fir   fair TIED ee goong   NAW chh hole en.)

Staatliche Umerziehungslager erübrigen

Making government re-education camps unnecessary, surplus to requirements, superfluous.

As part of the exciting reform package announced on 15 Nov 2013, China will be eliminating labor camps from its criminal justice system! No time schedule was mentioned though.

Other reforms that were announced, translated from Spiegel.de:

  • Further loosening of the one-child rule.
  • Opening the financial sector to include “smaller and medium-sized banks” in future.
  • More market-driven pricing. “Prices set by the state are to be limited to public institutions and services, be transparent and by checked by the public.”
  • More transparent currency exchange policy.
  • More entrepreneurship that is private, including more private investment and not ruling out foreign private investment.

N.B.: On 19 Nov 2013 Daimler announced it would be the first international auto manufacturer to invest directly in a state-owned Chinese auto manufacturing company, buying 12% of its Chinese co-manufacturing partner, a cars subsidiary of Beijing Automobile Investment Company Limited. The 625-million-euro deal took nearly a year to negotiate. Daimler will get two seats on the supervisory board [Aufsichtsrat] of the Chinese company.

  • Introduction of a standardized and transparent budget and tax system. Reform and simplification of value-added tax (a sales tax). Consumption taxes [Verbrauchssteuer] to be expanded to high-electricity-consumption industries, environmentally unfriendly industries and luxury goods.
  • Land reform, including relaxing limitations on dealing with land in collective ownership (this could be good, could be bad!).
  • Better systems for fighting corruption, on all levels.

Spiegel.de wrote that German industry and economics leaders welcomed these changes, expecting good results from them and from other reforms such as improvements in social welfare services.

Update on 28 Dec 2013: China implemented the announced reforms.

(SHTOT lichh eh   OOM eah TSEE oongs LOG eah   er-r-r ÜÜ brig en.)

“Ein politisches Armutszeugnis”

“A certificate of political poverty,” meaning the budgetary brinksmanship done by a fraction of one political party in the U.S. Congress, which seemed to one German reporter to be evidence that the U.S. has neglected long-overdue political reforms. Such as electoral reforms that would shift legislators’ focus from fundraising to legislating, e.g. by capping donations and limiting campaigns to several weeks instead of two to four years.

Another German reporter said the U.S. has been “hammeling” from one jerry-rigged makeshift stopgap provisorium to the next for five years now. “Hammeln” sounds like an interesting word but its translation is not yet apparent from online wikis.

(Eye n   poll EE tee shess   ARRR moots tsoy g niss.)

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